Avoiding surgery
When former footy player Guy Boston tore his meniscus, he was told he’d need a total knee replacement. 9 years later, he’s back to business as usual. But Guy never had his knee replaced. Instead, he attributes RE3 to helping him avoid surgery.

"I’m thankful I can keep moving thanks to RE3."
Having played football throughout his younger years, exercise has always been a really important part of Guy’s life and is something that makes him happy. In 2016, Guy tore his meniscus and was faced with the proposition of needing a knee replacement. But Guy never ended up having that surgery. Instead, he turned to cryotherapy, committing to the daily use of his RE3. 9 years later, Guy is back doing what he loves and couldn’t be happier with his path to recovery.
How I avoided a knee replacement
Guy's Daily Recovery Routine

Preventing surgery is no easy feat. Cryotherapy has been scientifically proven to promote healing, but is only effective when applied properly and used consistently. To prevent or help reduce injury, start any workout with your RE3.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and Guy’s knee wasn’t healed in one either. Reduce swelling by consistently applying cold therapy to injury sites for at least 15 minutes pre- and post-workout. No excuses.

Movement is what makes Guy happy. Thanks to his RE3, he was able to avoid surgery and maintain the thing he loves: his daily exercise routine. That is certainly something worth celebrating.
"The RE3 ice core blankets keep extra cold. Topped with a supportive high-quality neoprene brace, you won't find another like it."

No Other Ice Packs Compare
Just like many, daily exercise brings Guy joy. When he was faced not only with the potential of having surgery, but also with the reality with plenty of down time away from what he loves, it was a lot to reckon with. Guy was able to avoid knee replacement surgery thanks to consistent use of his RE3 Knee Pack. With two ice core blankets, a comfy compression brace and a waterproof case, he was easily able to keep up daily application pre- and post-workout over the years. This routine is what worked for Guy, but also aligns with studies that show the positive effects of cryotherapy. He shares his story in the hopes of creating awareness for surgery prevention and to encourage others in similar situations not to give up.
Guy's Selects
Daily recovery kit